Brand Insights
For Health Science Executives
Is Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Website Market-Smart?
Is Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Website Market-Smart?

Leadership Marketing Tips for Creating an Emotional Connection
Successful Biomedical Nonprofits foster emotional connections with their audience. And although the interface between your website and a potential donor is a computer screen, it is still possible to make the interaction personal.
So, how do you know if your Institution’s website is market-smart?
Ask yourself these simple questions:
1) Does your site immediately define your purpose from a donor’s perspective?
2) Does it distinguish you from your competitors?
3) Does it reflect your values as a brand?
4) Does it provide the appropriate usability for your audience?
5) Does it do all of the above quickly?
Create Messaging for Every User
Who are your primary users? Researchers? Donors? Patients? Each one of these audiences searches the web with a different agenda and at a different pace. Consider their age, education level, technical savvy and lifestyle – all of these things can help you determine the mindset of the visitors coming to your site. Once you’ve done this, it’s your challenge to create a site that offers the information and user experience they are seeking.
What Are They Hoping to Find?
What are the top three reasons users go to your site? Again, a market-smart site is one that speaks to your audience(s) quickly.
Are they:
- Scientists looking for information?
- Supporters wanting to make a donation?
- Volunteers looking to get involved?
Your website may need to be relevant to all of the above, which can be a challenge. The key is to make those connections right away on your homepage, and quickly direct users to the appropriate sections of your site to learn more. Remember, if they can’t immediately identify with the information on your homepage, they may not spend the time to go deeper.
A market-smart website defines your Biomedical Nonprofit’s brand from your audience’s perspective as quickly as possible, and it provides the appropriate usability that is instinctive for each specific audience.