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For Health Science Executives

Using Twitter to Expand Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Fundraising Goals

Using Twitter to Expand Your Biomedical Nonprofit’s Fundraising Goals

By Karan Cushman, September 16, 2014

5 marketing strategies for using Twitter to position your Biomedical Institution as an industry leader, spread awareness about your research, and expand critical funding for your brand.

First, Why Twitter?
It’s a tool that enables people to connect and maintain relationships as part of their normal everyday routine and from the convenience of their desks—or wherever they have internet. For Biomedical Nonprofits that want to build legitimacy around their brand, engaging donors and investors regularly is key. Twitter enables engagement across the globe in an instant. Now, here’s what you can do:

Build A Stronger Community
Twitter is a powerful communication tool that can help spread your message, but it’s people who raise the dollars. The key is to spend time building your online community with the right people who are most interested in your Biomedical Nonprofit’s brand story – i.e. investors, etc. They are the Twitter engine that can grow your audience, empower your cause, and ultimately impact your bottom line.

Make It Count.
With only 140 characters per tweet, Twitter forces us to make each Tweet count. Help investors understand your Biomedical Institution’s specific purpose and your request in a concise manner. Simply: Why should they care about your work and how will their monetary contribution make a difference to your research?… To the lives of patients?…To our global health?

Generate Excitement. Brand Your Initiative.
Creating exposure and excitement around any fundraising initiative is crucial. Get creative and set your campaign apart from other Biomedical Institutions by giving it personality and a distinctive voice on Twitter. An easily recognizable avatar and clever #hashtag can serve as smart and vibrant brand extensions for your campaign.

Celebrate Those Who Are Making a Difference.

Leadership Marketing via Social Media is about sharing information, but it’s also about generating positive energy around an important cause. Recognize those who are making an impact on your campaign. It could be a researcher, a donor, a volunteer, an investment group, or even your CEO. Share your thanks and acknowledge the contribution through a simple tweet, your newsletter, blog or an event. These are the roots of your campaign and online community.

Strengthen the Relationship. Stay Top of Mind.
As part of your everyday routine and without leaving your desk, Twitter enables you to regularly engage with your investors and stay top of mind. Sharing timely information enables investors to stay current with your progress. People want to know where their money is going and how it’s making a difference. A simple Tweet can keep them up to date. You can nurture developing relationships with ongoing communication that builds trust, enables your audience to have a greater sense of your needs, and also encourages a more regular and loyal following for your Biomedical Nonprofit.

Is Your Biomedical Institution using Twitter? Tell us more. You can reach me at 866-960-9220 or email

Melissa Jun Rowley from shared her list of helpful tips for successful Twitter fundraising that inspired this post. Click here to read the her article 10 Tips for Successful Twitter Fundraising

Marc Pitman is the author of You may find this introductory article helpful: Twitter for Nonprofits and Fundraising

Tagged: Advertising, Biomedical, Digital, Events, Mobile, Quality of Life, Trends

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