Brand Insights

For Health Science Executives

What are people saying about your Biomedical Nonprofit?

What are people saying about your Biomedical Nonprofit?

By Karan Cushman, September 24, 2014

3 Reasons Reputation Management is Critical to Leadership Marketing.

Biomedical Nonprofits spend a great deal of time trying to communicate what their institutions do. But, let’s not forget that Leadership Marketing is also about building a positive reputation with donors, the general public and other scientific institutions. Reputation Management means knowing what others are saying about your brand—especially online—and proactively responding with positive messages when necessary. Here are 3 reasons why managing your brand reputation is a good idea:

Information is power. Potential donors, and even current donors, may think twice about giving to your Biomedical Nonprofit if they are seeing negative comments in the press or online. If you know about such comments, your communications or development team can take steps to counter or clarify, such as posting proactive responses or links to more accurate information.

Tip: Regularly do a Google search of your Biomedical Nonprofit to see what information is rising to the top. If you sign up for Google alerts , you will know any time your institution’s name appears online.

Your institution can own the conversation. When someone posts a negative comment, article or even a Tweet about your brand, it can stay around forever. You can’t always prevent that from happening, but you can make sure that positive news about your brand outranks negative comments in Internet searches.

Tip: Create a blog or eNewsletter where you can regularly share news and information that shows your institution at its best. Make sure your content is search engine optimized so that it will appear at the top of Internet searches.

Your team can update Marketing Messages accordingly. If you are aware that your Biomedical Nonprofit is getting bad press over a specific issue, you may decide to launch a leadership campaign that addresses the issue head on.

Tip: Avoid staying silent on an issue even if it is difficult to address. Not commenting can imply that your institution has something to hide, while open communication builds trust and understanding.

Do you have questions about managing your Biomedical Nonprofit’s reputation? Feel free to contact me by calling 866-960-9220 or emailing

Tagged: Environmental, Events, Mobile, Quality of Life, Trends

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